Monday, February 27, 2012

Beautiful Surroundings

OKAY...if there's something I'm not cut out to do, it's killing bugs. Especially when they leave things like this:

[gags] Nasty little things, mosquitoes. Ughh the stresses of life. Tomorrow I will invest in a long-lasting fly swatter. So anyways, it's been almost two weeks since I've been here and things are great. I'm still adjusting to everything and trying to explore the town when I have the time. This week I only had one day off since we get next Saturday off. The boss is taking all the teachers to Sun Moon Lake in Yuchi, Nantou. I'm getting excited now looking at all the pictures. Here's one.

As I type this I sit on my newly made ledge/sitting area. Look!

Tomorrow I'll take a picture of what my view looks like. During the week I rode my bike around and explored the roads around my apartment. If you go to the back of my apartment complex, this is what you would see.

I got lucky to have this kind of view. I also found a little tea garden, another temple, and some chickens!

There are random gardens around the town like this one.

I'm happy because I've also found a flower shop near my apartment ^^ And I've finally found out how to use my washing machine so that my clothes come out smelling good! The secret solution...fabric softner -_- My classes are starting to become routine and learning names is getting a little easier. Most of the kids are super sweet and cute. One of my Junior High students, Becky, gave me this yesterday.

I named her "Becky" :)

There's another little kid who does this side-ways peace sign thing and smiles. It's hard to explain but it's hilarious. Next time I have his class I'll try to catch it on video.

Last week I had a slight moment of doubt. I stumbled upon a few classes that didn't want to listen to me. I felt discouraged. But I've realized that it was only my first week. The students barely know me and I them. I have to always keep sight of what I'm here to do and why. I never expected it to be easy, but I guess lately I've been extra hard on myself. And now things are looking up! The students are talking to me more and I'm starting to feel like part of the school. This has got to be the hardest job I've ever had...and I'm so grateful to have it. I know this experience will teach me many things. One thing I need to work on getting the students to get excited about learning English. Most of them don't want to be there. I don't really blame them though. They already have school and probably other cram schools to go to. They study way harder than we do in America. If I can get them to enjoy learning English, then I'll consider that a major accomplishment. I guess we'll just have to wait and see :)

Goodnight world.

☼ Amanda

Monday, February 20, 2012

First Moment of Peace

Goodmorning Jhushan and goodevening California! Right now I'm sitting on my clean couch in my clean apartment ^^ I can finally sit peacefully and do this thing. This morning is the first morning that it has rained and I love it. When I first got here the air was warm and thick. Taiwan smells just like I remembered. I can't really explain it - mmm you know, that "Taiwan smell"! Haha. Anyways, I'm rambling. Where to begin? Here it goes:

I was right. Once I landed and got off the plane, I had an anxiety attack. I was shakey and nervous right up until I got into the van that would take me to the school. So I guess it was a very short anxiety attack. I met a really nice man, from Ohio, who helped me translate when talking to the driver. Surprisingly, the drive was only two hours. Once we got closer the Jhushan, you begin to see mountains everywhere and all around you. The vegetation here is very different compared to the States. I guess you can say it's more tropical. I live in central Jhushan where I'm guessing is like the downtown. But it's nothing like Taipei or Taizhong, it's much smaller and the buildings shorter. Because I'm in the countryside, there are these cute, little, white butterflies everywhere. They should be the town's mascot or something. My apartment is a short, 15 minute walk from work's PINK! I'm on the fifth floor so I have a lovely view of roofs, roofs and more roofs. It's just one big room and a bathroom, kind of like a small studio. I spent the last two days going cleaning crazy. All that's left to clean are the walls and closet. The bathroom doesn't really look creepy anymore since I cleaned it. Other than that, it feels so good to have a clean apartment! I can touch things with out using only my thumb and pointer finger. You know what I mean...

My first home cooked meal!

The front gate to my apartment complex.

My bicycle with a cute basket!

Some chewy, sweet potato that they glazed. They sell these really close to my apartment.

The supermarket near work.
A temple by my apartment.

The front of my school.

As for work, I taught my first class on Thursday! The first thing I did was go around and had each student say their name. the school the kids have English names, but some of them are so bizarre! I asked the first girl, "What is your name?" And this is what I heard, "My name is Booty." And I was like -_- Haha. I was warned beforehand that the students can be naughty and joke around a lot. Naturally, I assumed she was trying to be smart with me. I asked, "Okay but what is your real name?" Again she said, "My name is Booty!" I kept my cool and asked, "Okay then how do you spell it?" She didn't say anything so I thought I caught her. I then turned to the other students and asked, "What is her name?" They all replied, "Her name is Booty!" I swear, I thought they were all out to get me. But little did I know, that really is her name! It's spelled B-O-D-I-E. Are you kidding me? Haha. Oh goodness.

Saturday I had my first full day of teaching, five classes! My students range from ages 6 to 15. I love my junior high students, I like the little kiddies, but the middle aged students are the ones that make me want to pull my hair out. But I knew it wouldn't be all rainbows and sprinkles the first week. Time and practice will work that one out. In my last class that day, I had a junior high class of around 25 students. I easily convinced them that I was Jeremy Lin's sister. He's on the news like every hour here so I knew they would know him. When I first told them they literally looked like O_O with their jaws dropped. After a few moments of disbelief they were all like, "Reeealllyy?" Of course I told them the truth and they thought it was like the most hilarious thing. I love my junior high classes because they actually listen to me! And they can understand what I'm saying, which just makes everything easier.

My two-dollar lunch at my desk!

There are four Chinese, English teachers at the school. They're all so sweet and kind. The one I talk to the most is named Winnie. She took me out the other night to buy a cell phone so that I call locally and people in Taiwan can call me! Then she treated me to some bomb food in the main downtown area. Mhmmmm so yummy!

Yesterday was my first time taking the bus by myself. I was headed for Taizhong, which is the biggest city in the middle of Taiwan. It took about an hour to get there. I had to meet Bryan, my recruiter, to get my medical check done at the hospital. Taizhong is much bigger and much more busy. Once I met up with Bryan and another foreign teacher we drove to the hospital. They checked my eye sight, took down my weight and height, and "x-rayed" me. When I got to the blood drawing portion of the check-up, they couldn't find the vein in my arm so they went for my hand! I have never had blood drawn from my hand so I freaked out a little. wasn't too bad but I have a bruise all around it now. My hand looks like a rotten fruit. Before we headed back to the bus stop I bought some pretty flowers for a vase I bought the other day. On the bus ride back the driver kind of dropped me off in Jhushan but not in the same place I had left from. He was so sweet though. He drew me a little map showing me where to go. I walked two blocks and thankfully recognized the supermarket I usually shop at. Yay, I knew where I was! Haha. It felt so good to be able to travel around on my own. Anddd I was able to speak some Chinese to the locals ^^ I also finally got the courage to talk to the security guard of my apartment complex. He's this old man who is also super sweet. His name is Mr. Luo!

Whew, and that was a short update. I'll try to be more consistent on posting from now on. I miss everyone and I hope you're all doing well! I wish you could all be here with me.

☼ Amanda

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Quick Update!

Sorry I haven't been able to put up any new posts or respond to anyone. I've been busy at the school and trying to get settled in. There are so many things I still need to get done. I miss you all! Once I have everything sorted I can tell you how Taiwan is!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I Made It!

YAY I made it guys! There's so much I want to tell you guys but I'm at the school now and I forgot to bring my charger. OMG I have only 10%! Okay I'm so sad because I don't have internet at the apartment yet. Ahh 7%!! I'll try posting as soon as I can. Hopefully tomorrow. But just to let you all know, I'm doing really well and things are great! Taiwan is great, my boss is great, the apartment is cute (but the bathroom is creepy), and the town is wonderful.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Calm, Cool, Collected

The day is already here and I'm as ready as I'll ever be. Is it odd that I feel so calm? Maybe because it hasn't really hit me yet, I mean, not until I'm actually there. OMG I hope I won't get anxiety attacks right when I arrive and freak out the Taiwanese people. [Knocks on desk] Okay, now I'm feeling it a little O_O

Anyways, I'm leaving tonight and will arrive in Taiwan on Wednesday morning (Taiwan time). Then there's a four hour drive (not too bad compared to driving from SR to SD) to Jhushan that will take me straight to the school. After that...I have no idea what I'm going to be doing, but hopefully I'll have internet so I can put up another post!

The next time you hear from me, I'll be an ocean away. Thanks everyone (you know who you are ☺) for your prayers and kind thoughts.

☼ Amanda

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Six Days Left

This is my first real post guys! Yay ^^ I'm leaving for Taiwan in six days. I'll be living in Jhushan Township (Bamboo Mountain), which is right smack in the middle of the lovely island. Jhushan is a smaller town surrounded by beautiful mountains.

Experience, adventure, and growth = my reasons for this journey. I'll be teaching English at a buxiban (cram school). I really don't have much experience but it's my hope to be the best teacher I can be for my students. Once I get everything underway, I'll send you all my phone number and address. For now, I'm just running around trying to get everything ready! Two weeks to prepare to leave to Taiwan is not the business. Most of all, I'm freaking out about preparing awesome lesson plans for the kids. Luckily I've learned a bunch of games from youth group and my TESOL class. Haha. Turned in my visa application yesterday where the guy said I needed a parent signature "because I'm under 20 years old"... -_- I'm pretty much packed so all I'm doing now are preparing my lessons, practicing my Mandarin (which is sadly horrible), meeting up with the friends, and spending as much time as I can with the family ❣

☼ Amanda

Friday, February 3, 2012

It's Finally Starting

Dear Family & Friends,

This blog is for you. I'll be using this space to give updates (rants ^^) on my long awaited journey. And I'll do my best to post as often as I can. Thank you all for giving me support and patience over the last 6 months. God knows I needed it!

So now that it's finally starting, I invite you all to join me on this new chapter in my life. I love you all.

♥ Amanda