Monday, February 27, 2012

Beautiful Surroundings

OKAY...if there's something I'm not cut out to do, it's killing bugs. Especially when they leave things like this:

[gags] Nasty little things, mosquitoes. Ughh the stresses of life. Tomorrow I will invest in a long-lasting fly swatter. So anyways, it's been almost two weeks since I've been here and things are great. I'm still adjusting to everything and trying to explore the town when I have the time. This week I only had one day off since we get next Saturday off. The boss is taking all the teachers to Sun Moon Lake in Yuchi, Nantou. I'm getting excited now looking at all the pictures. Here's one.

As I type this I sit on my newly made ledge/sitting area. Look!

Tomorrow I'll take a picture of what my view looks like. During the week I rode my bike around and explored the roads around my apartment. If you go to the back of my apartment complex, this is what you would see.

I got lucky to have this kind of view. I also found a little tea garden, another temple, and some chickens!

There are random gardens around the town like this one.

I'm happy because I've also found a flower shop near my apartment ^^ And I've finally found out how to use my washing machine so that my clothes come out smelling good! The secret solution...fabric softner -_- My classes are starting to become routine and learning names is getting a little easier. Most of the kids are super sweet and cute. One of my Junior High students, Becky, gave me this yesterday.

I named her "Becky" :)

There's another little kid who does this side-ways peace sign thing and smiles. It's hard to explain but it's hilarious. Next time I have his class I'll try to catch it on video.

Last week I had a slight moment of doubt. I stumbled upon a few classes that didn't want to listen to me. I felt discouraged. But I've realized that it was only my first week. The students barely know me and I them. I have to always keep sight of what I'm here to do and why. I never expected it to be easy, but I guess lately I've been extra hard on myself. And now things are looking up! The students are talking to me more and I'm starting to feel like part of the school. This has got to be the hardest job I've ever had...and I'm so grateful to have it. I know this experience will teach me many things. One thing I need to work on getting the students to get excited about learning English. Most of them don't want to be there. I don't really blame them though. They already have school and probably other cram schools to go to. They study way harder than we do in America. If I can get them to enjoy learning English, then I'll consider that a major accomplishment. I guess we'll just have to wait and see :)

Goodnight world.

☼ Amanda


  1. Your pictures and posts have been so cool to see and read! Taiwan looks so beautiful! I am glad that you remind yourself why you are there and always keep a positive attitude. That's really the best way to go :] Looking forward to more updates!

    P.S. I am reading "The Hunger Games" and I have no idea why, but when I read of "Prim" aka "Primrose" who is the protagonists younger sister, I am reminded of you. Strange?

    1. I've never read that book. Is it good? Oooh what is Prim like? I wanna read it now.

      I'm glad you like reading my blog! What have you been up to?

    2. Yes it is quite good. It's a fiction novel takes place in the future, and every year two adolescent from each village is selected to fight one another. The last one surviving is the winner of the game.

      Well, to give you the very short version, I graduated in December, traveled to Germany, Italy, France, and Netherlands in January/February, and now I am working full time in a bio-tech start-up company. When you get back we should meet and catch up. We can tell each other about stories of our trips! Hope you're having lots of fun!

    3. really?? you're so lucky! i want to travel around sometime in the future. hopefully i can visit all those places too. what is the name of the company? where is it? i'll probably be back Feb. of next year. yeah for sure :) keep in touch K?

  2. Yay! You can kill bugs now. :) :)

    Haha, but I'm glad you're doing ok. Let's skype again soon! :D

    1. Jude, I've killed like 6 bugs in the last 2 days. The gross ones are the ones that have a lot of blood in 'em. But I bought some bug-away stuff so hopefully I won't have to kill anymore. Tell me when you're free to Skype!

    2. I hope you didn't get suck by any of those ugly creatures....

      I'm free Saturday night, as always. :)

    3. i did -_- allll over my face. the gross thing about it is that i know they touched my face. ughh. let's skype saturday night! i think it's my sunday morning so i should be free :)
