Saturday, March 31, 2012


Hello, everyone. So things are getting more rountine and let's just say I've never loved weekends as much as I do now. I'm lucky to have two days off instead of one. In Taiwan, Sundays are considered their weekend. It's not that I don't like work, it's just nice to unwind and reenergize before a new week. So anyways, this post is going to be full of random rants and observations. I haven't been doing anything too exciting so I'm just going to see what I can remember from the past week. Here it goes.

Today I saw an older American guy at the supermarket. I was at the cash register and I didn't realize he was behind me until I had walked away with my stuff. His accent seemed American so hence my assumption. Okay, so I WAS going to say something but I had already walked out. Then I thought, "I'll just wait for him to walk out and I can say something." But he ended up staying inside eating something. I didn't want to walk back in a start talking to him because, I don't know, I thought it would be weird. Work started in five minutes so I left. Oh well, the right time will present itself.

The other day I saw a ghetto, but very smart, invention. A woman put a CD under the seat of her bike. She used the CD as a reflector! I would have never thought of that. Maybe I should do that so I don't get ran over at night.

Who knew garbage trucks could be so annoying? O_O Especially when I'm teaching a class and OH here comes the garbage truck! In Jhushan, garbage trucks drive around all day blasting music. When I say "blasting" I mean really, really, really, really, really loudly. They do this because they don't come to pick up your garbage like in the States. Instead you have to wait for them to come to your place (by listening for the music). Then when they drive by you hand it to the guy standing on the back of the truck. Sometimes you have to get into a little jog to hand it to them, because usually they don't stop. I mean, it's not too bad. It's just when I want to sleep in a little it can get annoying.

On a brighter note, work can be amusing at times. The other day, two of my smallest and youngest students were playing around before class. Their names are Angus and Ted. They have this "let's-chase-each-other-and-try-to-hit-each-other's-crotch" game. It's horrifying and hilarious at the same time. Boys will be boys right?

For the past week, I've been eaten alive by mosquitoes. At one point, I think I've counted 26 bites on my right arm -_- And these aren't just normal Taiwan mosquitoes. These mosquitoes are special Jhushan mosquitoes! They're small, fast, and black. And since I'm not native to Jhushan, they love my blood. I've caught them just eating away a few times. So gross. But they're so small, so it's hard to know they're even there. Even when I try to shoo them away, they just come right back. They are literally attracted to me. Winnie said to give it a few months and hopefully they'll stop.

I'm sad because Anna, our part-time worker is leaving the school. She's been so busy that it's affecting her studies at school. So the other day I interviewed/gave an oral test to the girl who will replace Anna. Her name is Betty and she's one year younger than me. So, we'll see how that works out.

I bought a carton of eggs at the market near my apartment. When I cracked them open, the yolk was a deep orange color. I tried steaming and scrambling them. But the orange color is just too weird for me. I understand that it's because the food the chickens eat is different but it just grosses me out. Hopefully I can find some eggs with yellow-colored yolk. Hopefully!

Hmmm...what else? Oh, yeah! I finally got my bank account and my health insurance card! And andddd I'm going to start doing a language exchange with Alan. I'm so excited because I really need to learn Chinese. There was more that I wanted to share but I just can't think of it now. Okay guys, until next time ^^

♥ Amanda


  1. A few months?
    Did you try to spray some bug repellent?

  2. When you meet new people...don't let them know where you live. Interviewing is fun! Hopefully the prospect will work out. Thanks for the update, love you!

  3. Sorry to hear about the mosquito bites. :(
