Thursday, March 1, 2012


Yay, it's Friday ^^ I'm blogging from my desk at work and I'm so excited for my 3-day weekend. I'll have a bunch of pictures to upload by the end of it. Tomorrow I'll be going to Sun Moon Lake, Sunday I'm going to Taizhong, and Monday I might be going to another night market.

Yesterday morning I woke up early and went for a jog. And...I found the perfect jogging course! Jhushan has 'what looks like a river', but I think it's a man-made river/irrigation system. Honestly, I have no idea what it's called. But anyways, it's really pretty because it attracts these beautiful white birds. And there are these cute little purple flowers that float atop the water. Along both sides of the river there are paved paths with lined trees. Once in a while you'll find little sitting areas to rest. I got so excited when I found the Siaping Suspension Bridge! It's so cool guys. When you walk across it it's all bouncy. Haha. At first when I went jogging there I didn't bring my camera, but I just had to go back and take pictures. This time I rode my bike instead (I got lazy).

See the Suspension Bridge?

I had to be careful not to touch the sides. They were covered with spider webs.

I'm not too sure what they're farming but it looks so pretty, right?

Finally got a shot of one of the birds. They kept flying away when I stopped to take a picture.

The cutest sitting area. I love the orange flowers hanging from above.

After a long day of work, Winnie and the boss took me to one of the night markets in Jhushan. We meet up with Winnie's friend Alan there. Unfortunately by the time we got there, some of the stands were closing up. Usually I get off of work around 10:00pm or 10:30pm. But there were still some picture-worthy things to take and look at. The one thing I didn't take, that I wish I did, were frogs that you could eat. And they weren't fried or anything, they were slimy! Bleh. Gross. Sadly, we only stayed for a half an hour. But these are some of the things I saw.

Fried bird!

Different kids of Stinky Tofu.

Winnie bought me some! It wasn't stinky, thank goodness. YUM YUM.

Sitting, talking (mostly them, in Chinese), eating. That's my boss on the bottom left.

Okay, these were really weird. They look like maggots at first right?? I thought the same thing. But they're sea shells. They soak it in some kind of spicy sauce and you suck the "seafood" from inside of the shell. Don't even ask what the "seafood" is, because I have no idea -_- But my boss bought me a bag of these. It doesn't taste bad but it's just too weird for me.

Before we left, Alan bought me these to take home. Takoyaki (fried octopus balls)!! Not Chinese food but still really yummy ^^

So that was yesterday. Today, this morning, I...[drum roll please]...rode my bike to work today! Big deal right? Haha. Most of you may not know, but no one ever taught me how to ride a bicycle so a few years ago I had to try to teach myself. And today I finally got the courage to ride it to work. I'm so happy because it saves a lot of time and Winnie won't have to give me rides home on her scooter anymore. I've been putting it off because driving to work means dodging cars and scooters on narrow streets. And in Taiwan, people only follow the most basic "driving laws". Honking usually just means, "Be careful, I'm behind you." People can bicycle on the streets and on the opposite side of the streets. But I haven't seen any accidents yet so for the most part, I think drivers are pretty cautious.

I should start preparing for work, but expect another post by the end of the weekend! I hope everyone enjoys theres' ☺

☼ Amanda


  1. Wow, you are more and more living like a Taiwanese now, night market and all those native foods. I am so glad you went to Jhushan. The scenery is beautiful and so close to where you live. It is a lot better than in the city.

  2. Love the pictures! Keep them coming.

  3. Sweetie :) U r soooo cute when u said about the maggots stuff hahaha. Actually, The sea shell is sold on the street market in Korea, too. The view is awesome!! When I visit u, I wanna go there with u :)
