Friday, April 20, 2012

In Love With the Weather

How to turn night into day? Have a Jhushan lightning storm...

The video is a bit long so feel free to skip through. I decided to video tape my walk home from work. Of course you can't actually see the lightning but the amount of light that it emits is entrancing. Still entrancing, even when a car splashes you with dirty road water.  OMG wait!  Skip to 3:00. 

I know, I've been lagging on a more detailed post. Hopefully I can find time this weekend ☺

Monday, April 9, 2012

Little Bunnies

I hope everyone had a lovely Easter. This week turned out busier than the rest. But those smiles...the smiles were worth it. Take a look ☺

B7's beautiful bunny masks ^^

Little video of the kiddos.

My A6 class!

awww ♥

Some of B6.

Jimmy and Steven ^^

Those were only a fraction of my students. Believe it or not (I certainly don't), I have over 150 students! I was only expecting to give Easter lessons to my Saturday classes. Once Winnie found out what I was planning, she got excited and suggested I give Easter lessons to all my classes. My prepartion could have been much better but everything was kind of last minute. But the kids enjoyed it and that's all that matters ☺

I have more to tell you guys but I'll get to that in the next post. I got sick again, so I'm off to bed! Goodnight Taiwan ♥

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Easter Sneak Peek

Since Easter is this Sunday, I was given permission to do some Easter lessons! I'm teaching the lessons up until Saturday so I'll have lots of pictures and videos later. Here's a sneak peek of my youngest class (B7) during their "individual Easter Egg Hunt". Enjoy!

☼ Amanda