Friday, February 3, 2012

It's Finally Starting

Dear Family & Friends,

This blog is for you. I'll be using this space to give updates (rants ^^) on my long awaited journey. And I'll do my best to post as often as I can. Thank you all for giving me support and patience over the last 6 months. God knows I needed it!

So now that it's finally starting, I invite you all to join me on this new chapter in my life. I love you all.

♥ Amanda


  1. I am so happy that you are going to embark on this new adventure in your life! You are talented, smart, and caring that you deserve this and everything good that is coming your way. You have my support (along with Matt's and Bandit's) 100%. We love you very much and can't wait to hear all about your new position and all the excitement you are going to encounter! I love you very much and I am very proud of you.

    1. Thanks Jeh ^^ I hope you, Matt, and the rest of the family can visit Taiwan and visit me!! I love you too. Expect a bunch of yummy asian food in the mail. haha.

    2. I ♥ Taiwan. It's been a while and it would be lovely to visit. Nevertheless, yes, please do send the "yummy asian food"!

  2. I'll miss you very much, and I hope you enjoy Taiwan. I hope I can come visit you! I always wanted to go to Taiwan. :)


  3. hi good afternoon my friend susan is teaching me how to use the computer in the moraga library. wlooked threought your blog and we liked your apartment very much . hope you are
    enjoying your job and apartment .
    god bless your new adventure
