Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Six Days Left

This is my first real post guys! Yay ^^ I'm leaving for Taiwan in six days. I'll be living in Jhushan Township (Bamboo Mountain), which is right smack in the middle of the lovely island. Jhushan is a smaller town surrounded by beautiful mountains.

Experience, adventure, and growth = my reasons for this journey. I'll be teaching English at a buxiban (cram school). I really don't have much experience but it's my hope to be the best teacher I can be for my students. Once I get everything underway, I'll send you all my phone number and address. For now, I'm just running around trying to get everything ready! Two weeks to prepare to leave to Taiwan is not the business. Most of all, I'm freaking out about preparing awesome lesson plans for the kids. Luckily I've learned a bunch of games from youth group and my TESOL class. Haha. Turned in my visa application yesterday where the guy said I needed a parent signature "because I'm under 20 years old"... -_- I'm pretty much packed so all I'm doing now are preparing my lessons, practicing my Mandarin (which is sadly horrible), meeting up with the friends, and spending as much time as I can with the family ❣

☼ Amanda


  1. What a beautiful place! It reminds me of Miur woods for some reason. The kids will love you, so don't worry. :)

    I hope I can come visit you this December. :)

    1. I know right? I really wanna go to that bridge! I think it's called the Stair Suspension Bridge.

      Start saving your money so we can go to the man-maid cafe. ahahha

    2. What is the man-maid cafe?

    3. OMG. It's like a cafe in Japan where guys cross dress and wear maid outfits. And they like feed you if you ask them to. Judy showed me a video on youtube. It's....interesting.

    4. Huh. Sounds d i f f e r e n t...

      I won't check it out.

  2. The pictures are amazing! Those are the type of places you can't believe until you actually see it in person...which you will get to!!

    Starting a new position is always nerve wrecking, but, just take deep breaths and handle your business.

    Tzai-Jien (bye bye)! Till your nex blog...

    1. next*

      ...that's why they allow you to review what you post before you post it. :p

    2. haha I didn't even realize you misspelled it. Yeah, when things get hard I just have to remind myself why I am there.
